In Großbritannien gibt es noch heute das Amt des "Poet Laureate", dessen Aufgabe es allerdings ist, Gedichte für nationale Ereignisse zu verfassen, also so eine Art Hofdichter zu sein. So hatte der amtierende Hofdichter Andrew Motion auch die Aufgabe, für die Hochzeit von Prinz Charles mit Camilla zu reimen:
Spring Wedding (Frühlingshochzeit)
I took your news outdoors, and strolled a while
In silence on my square of garden-ground
Where I could dim the roar of arguments,
Ignore the scandal-flywheel whirring round,
And hear instead the green fuse in the flower
Ignite, the breeze stretch out a shadow-hand
To ruffle blossom on its sticking points,
The blackbirds sing, and singing take their stand.
I took your news outdoors, and found the Spring
Had honored all its promises to start
Disclosing how the principles of earth
Can make a common purpose with the heart.
The heart which slips and sidles like a stream
Weighed down by winter-wreckage near its source –
But given time, and come the clearing rain,
Breaks loose to revel in its proper course.
- [ #NaturfreundeVorarlberg ] Kulturwanderung: 18. April
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